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House Foods Java Curry Med. Hot 185g


Simply add a few vegetables and water for a hearty, made-from-scratch Japanese curry that is ready in minutes.


Java Curry Sauce Mix Medium Hot 185g

A robust and flavorful curry mix with caramelized onion, roasted garlic, miso and the aroma of cardamom that is moderately spicy.

Level of Spiciness: 4


  • Preheat oil in pot, add bite sized pieces of meat and vegetables, and saute well(until the onions are lightly browned).
  • Add water and bring to boil. Simmer over low to medium heat until ingredients soften (about 15mins).
  • Remove from heat. Break apart curry sauce mix into pot and stir until dissolved.
  • Simmer once more over low heat, stirring occasionally until curry thickens (about 10 mins). Serve over cooked rice or pasta.